Vietnam / Malaysia

Halong Bay - Vietnam
We took a 2 day overnight package our from Hanoi to Halong Bay, stayed on one of these junkits whilst sailing the marvelous islands Halong Bay... we did kayaking, explored the caves, which is where this shot is taken from and swam in the emerald green waters..

Trying my luck at some hawking in downtown Hanoi.. I didn't sell anything but the local I borrowed this from managed to scalp a few vietnamese dong off me...

This little guy blew my mind.. we were casually having dinner el fresco in a restuarant in downtown Saigon when all of a sudden this kid rocks up, pulls out a live snake from a basket and the proceeds to stuff it up his nose and pull out through his mouth and then pull it back and forth like he was flossing with it :-)
I personally loved the the show and snapped a few shots of him. A lot patrons around didn't quite share the same enthusiasm..puh! That's what Vietnam is all about...

This beast was big and heavy! We were on a day trip from Saigon down to the Mekong Delta.. pretty interesting. When we stopped for lunch here they had a "pet" snake which Lena insisted we had to pick up. Now I personally am not a snake man but did it anyway and behind that smile I'm asking myself why I had to hold the side with the head...

These are the traditional Vietnamese fishing boats that head out each night to catch the latest seafood which gets bought in early morning and sold to the various restaurants..

Fresh crayfish cooked along the street on some coal washed down with a Heinekin of course..

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